Public Cyber Awareness Succeeds

August 9, 2018

Take a glance at the most discussed cybersecurity topics of the week.

Only public awareness winning against cyber-crime

Nation Multimedia on August 6, 2018

Representatives of the Israel National Cyber Bureau (INCB) concluded that, in the digital age, the government should attract public attention to the problem of cybersecurity to protect the global economy from potential cyber attacks. The statement was made during the “Israel Cyber Security Roadshow”. The event was held by the Israeli Embassy’s Economic and Trade Mission just two days after the attack on two Thai banks that led to the exposure of records of more than 120,000 customers. No wonder, the incident inspired fear in the majority of consumers.

While the Israeli experts declined to comment on Thailand’s cybersecurity state, it was emphasized that Israel was raising public cyber awareness in order to deal with threats. The country had even made cybersecurity part of its national agenda. Mei-Zahav, manager of international cooperation at the INCB, noted that his agency regularly issued warnings to help people be protected.

Ruth Shoham, executive director of strategy and capacity building division at the INCB, stated that attacks’ area of distribution is growing and all developing countries may fall victims of attackers.

We always say that winter is coming… We try to respond fast in order to prevent damage to civilians and organizations.

Ruth Shoham

Currently, the INCB is cooperating with 400 global organizations and countries.

IT managers vs social-engineering attacks?

Dark Reading on August 6, 2018

While your employees may know the hidden pitfalls of suspicious emails and understand the principles of phishing, social-engineering is no longer as simple as it used to be. While organizations still may get classic amateurish phishing emails, nowadays, social-engineering attacks are becoming more convincing and targeted. Obviously, it makes them more effective than before. This means that it is essential to understand these changes in order not to swallow the next bait.

Latest phishing emails may imitate replicas from other companies. Such emails can even contain personal details of victims, which makes them even more deceiving. In other cases, malefactors may manipulate call-center workers to get a customer’s banking password. Experts recommend that your security measures should embrace three key areas: people, processes, and technology. The awareness of employees that work closely with critical data is essential, as they are the most common ones to be targeted by scammers.

Arrange the process of gathering the details on attempted attacks. Make sure that security measures in your organizations are not too complex so that any employee may observe these safety measures.

Finally, never forget to take care of the security of your computer systems. Antivirus and intrusion-detection/intrusion-prevention systems, as well as other security intelligence tools, are vital. Encrypting critical data to make it unreadable may also help in case an attack is already performed.

UK black-gray-white hackers

Computer Weekly on August 8, 2018

It’s easy to get into cybercrime and stay unnoticed. The Report shows that so-called ‘double agents’, or security professionals who work both as a cybercriminal and as a defender are more common in the UK than in other countries.

There are different categories of hackers. White hat hackers are ethical and they oppose black hat hackers who operate with some malicious intent for their own benefit. Gray hat hackers’ actions are ethically ambiguous, they do not steal information but can use illegal techniques to identify vulnerabilities and expose them to the public.

Why go into black hat activity? It gives a challenge and opportunity to gain more money in most cases, or just is not perceived as something wrong. In the meantime, the cost to victim companies of cybercrime continues to rise, and the UK is experiencing the highest rate of attacks.

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