Wanna skip exam? Proven Young Hackers Methods

April 16, 2019
Proven Young Hackers Methods

Education Cybersecurity Weekly is a curated weekly news overview for those who are concerned about the Education industry and Education data breach. It provides brief summaries and links to articles and news across a spectrum of EdTech and education cybersecurity. Learn about proven young hackers methods.

Well, although this tactic would definitely help you avoid the terrifying exam, if your preparation time was spent on a more satisfying experience, we do not recommend you using any proven young hackers methods. Cybersecurity measures can be compared to self-education – they should never end and be focused on developing new vectors.

OK, Google, what is the most reliable way to skip an exam?

HackRead on April 9, 2019

Well, although this tactic would definitely help you avoid the terrifying exam, if your preparation time was spent on a more satisfying experience, we do not recommend you using any proven young hackers methods. Otherwise, you would repeat the story of two 9th graders of the Secaucus High School.

14-year old students disrupted the Wi-Fi system of their school through a specially designed app that makes the connection so overloaded with traffic that it becomes difficult for teachers to upload the test online. In other words, Secaucus High School faced a classic DDoS-attack on its cyber infrastructure. Eventually, young hackers were arrested by the police for their malicious activity.

Actually, here an interesting trend of the cybersecurity world can be noted. A new generation of hackers comes into play. They are young, ambitious and tech-savvy. It takes only two hours for them to obtain “high-value” data of the educational organizations. Therefore, the education cybersecurity landscape meets new players.

Safeguarding student information – new points to your checklist

EdTech Magazine on April 10, 2019

Cybersecurity measures can be compared to self-education – they should never end and be focused on developing new vectors. When it comes to educational organizations and dealing with proven young hackers methods, the data protection approach should be multidirectional and involve both cybersecurity awareness training and technical support solutions. Here are some tips for IT teams to make sure they keep up with the latest trends:

  • Purge unnecessary student records. The main aim of deleting old records is to lower the risk of a potential breach. Organizations should set standardized record retention policies that clarify the length of time different types of records should be kept.
  • Encrypt data at rest and in transit. All devices that store sensitive information need to be identified and data must be encrypted at both the file and disk level.
  • Monitor user activity on social networks. This would help to recognize suspicious activity and track down the source of leaks of sensitive information.

Cybersecurity education spreading throughout the country

EdScoop on April 11, 2019

And the next institution that launched a cybersecurity degree became Stetson University, a private university in Central Florida.

Students enrolled in Stetson’s program will have a chance to complete an eight-course curriculum, providing them with one-on-one opportunities in the classroom. In 2020 the university will expand and diversify cybersecurity degree offerings, adding higher level courses about secure coding, discovering and fixing flows, cloud computing and etc.

In terms of a widening cybersecurity workforce gap and development of proven young hackers methods, launching cybersecurity programs are vital for keeping an adequate level of data protection in the future. Some institutions, like the University of Minnesota, Augusta University and UC Berkeley, have already incorporated cybersecurity programs into curriculums.

Cybersecurity is becoming one of the most important things to deal with as a society. We’re all integrated into the Internet one way or another and we all depend on these systems to work properly. Our data is out there, and it’s up to all of us to protect it.

Joshua Eckroth, a Stetson professor for the new program

Cloud computing is booming in education market

Opera News Now on April 16, 2019

Keeping market knowledge up to date is vital for IT specialists. The growing need for a centralized system for academic process management is a key factor of cloud computing integration into the educational process.

On the one hand, software should be stored on distributed hardware outside of the company network. On the other hand, in reference with users’ experience, connecting to the cloud services is as easy as going to any website.

The vendor has to instantly update the software, since it is significant for online safety. Among cloud computing key players are the following:

  • Amazon Web Services
  • Oracle Corporation
  • Cisco Systems
  • Microsoft Corporation
  • Adobe Systems
  • Ellucian Company

Hackers are much less likely to be able to attack if software is always updated. The individual customers should keep this in mind.

Bobby the Fish

Fish morning, everyone. It seems we are moving to cloud…

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